December 2019
Borewell Drilling to allow for additional access to water for use at the Tuver site.

April 2019
Please click on the link below to read the latest details and see new photos from our Tuver Village Project!
Opening of the Business of Humanity® Project’s Tuver Village Initiative in Gujarat, India
February 2019
We have some wonderful news to announce! On February 3, in Ahmedabad, Apollo Telemedicine Networking Foundation (ATNF) organized a symposium marking the opening of the Health and Wellness Center in Tuver! Please click on the link below to read more about the program.
Symposium: Opening of the Health and Wellness Center in Tuver (February 3, 2019)
For those of you who were interested in watching this symposium but were unable to catch the very early live stream on February 3, here is a YouTube link to a recording of the event:
Symposium: Opening of the Health and Wellness Center in Tuver